OnlyRelecantToServer(default false)
if true,this actor is only relevant its owner,if this flag is changed during play,all non-owner channels would need to be explicitly close.
Always Relevant(default false)
Always relevant for network(overrides bOnlyRelevantToOwner)
ReplicateMovement(default true)
if true,replicate movement/location related properties.
Actor must also be set to replicate.
- see SetReplicates()
- see
NetLoadOnClient(default true)
This actor will be loaded on network clients during map load.
NetUseOwnerReplovancy(default false)
If actor has valid Owner, call Owner’s IsNetRelevantFor and GetNetPriovity
Replicates(default true)
if true,this actor will replicate to remote machines
see SetReplicates()
NetDormancy(default DORM_Awake)
Dormancy setting for actor ro take itself off the replication list without being destory on clients.
1 | // This actor can go dormant,but is not currently dormant,Game code will tell it when it go dormant. |
NeuCullDistanceSquared(default 225000000.0)
Suqare of the max distance from the client’s viewpoint that this actor is relevant and will be replicated.
NetUpdateFrequency(default 100.0)
how often(per second) this actor will be considered for replication,used to determine NetUpdateTime.
MinNetUpdateFrequency(default 2.0)
Used to determine what rate to throttle down to when replicated properties are changing infrequently.
NetPriority: (default 3.0)
Priority for this actor when checking for replication in a low bandwidth or saturated siuation,higher priority means it is more likely to replicate.
Replicated Movement
LocationQuantization Level: (default EVectorQuantization::RoundTwoDecimals)
1 | enum EVectorQuantization |
VelocityQuantization Level: (default ERotatorQuantization::RoundWholeNumber)
1 | enum ERotatorQuantization |
RotationQuantization Level(default ByteComponents)
Allow turing the compression level for replicated rotation.You should only need to change this from the default if you see visual artfacts.
1 | enum ERotatorQuantization |